Shelf Pooja Units | Marble | Pooja Corner | Mandir on a Stand | Wooden | Dedicated pooja room | Jali Doors | Design and Decoration ideas | Lighting for Pooja Rooms | Wall colors | Furniture | Conclusion
Pooja, which means religious worship, is done in every Indian home, and each has a particular room and area. We buy a variety of other decorations to make the room feel peaceful. We also need to know about different pooja room designs for Indian homes to find the most suitable design.
People in Hindu homes often use the pooja room, also called the prayer room, to do rituals twice daily, in the morning and evening.
When we get a new home, we give it a lot of thought and start looking for beautiful statues that we can use for worship immediately. It can be hard to choose the design of a pooja room, especially for people looking for a unique mandir design for their homes.
An Indian pooja mandir can be set up in many different ways, making it suitable for both small and large homes. Use these unique and creative pooja mandir ideas to connect with the Supreme Being in the most peaceful way possible.
Here are some of the best simple pooja room designs for Indian homes
It’s not a new idea to decorate a room into a pooja room; a separate room or area for prayer and meditation has been done for a long time. Every home has felt the need for these private spaces, which is why we came up with some new ways to build small pooja rooms that can be used in Indian homes.
#1 Wall-Mounted/shelf Pooja Units

The fancy brass figures are on floating wood shelves with hanging diyas on each side. The design is finished with a wall-mounted drawer. This drawer can be used to store things, like items for puja.
Because the drawers don’t have handles and the push mechanisms are soft, the pooja unit fits in well with the rest of the design in the dining area. The best thing about these pooja units is that they float, so they don’t take up any floor space and have enough storage space.
Wall-mounted pooja altars are the last option; they are a great choice when space is at a premium. These units that hang on the wall save space and are great for studio or one-bedroom apartments.
The wallpaper in this design’s background ensures that the pattern stays the same. Aside from the atmosphere of the living room, the nook gives you a sense of being alone and confined.
In this kind of pooja room, the pooja shelf designs are large, so worshippers can put images of many gods on them. Setting up a pooja room attached to the wall has many benefits, one of which is that it doesn’t take up much floor space.
It’s easy to make a pooja space in your home, and all you have to do is pick the right place in your home and build metal and glass shelves at the right height above the floor.
Mandirs hanging on the wall are often made of compressed wood, and smaller marble ones can be put on a shelf or slab. Also, the part mounted on the wall is an excellent place for cabinets.
#2 Marble pooja room designs for Indian homes

When building your pooja rooms, marble is a great choice. This material is the best for both how it looks and how long it lasts. A puja unit made entirely of marble is always a safe choice, and it looks elegant and easy to take care of, which is a great combination.
A marble pooja room design can be an excellent addition to your home if it is put together with flooring and decorations from different cultures in a way that looks good. In addition, the marble finish adds to the overall look of luxury and sophistication.
Marble designs for Pooja rooms that are all white look great when paired with white marble floors. If you add a fake ceiling and some backlighting to your marble mandir design for your home, it will look and feel like heaven.
Make a mandir out of stone by putting it in a hole in the wall. Adding a marble top ledge and a backlit granite panel will make a huge difference. A pooja room made of marble will last a long time and keep termites away, even though its upkeep and overall cost are likely to be high.
You can use your creativity to decorate the marble pooja mandir designs for houses with different things to make them look nice. Use some diyas or backlights to give the marble patterns on the pooja unit the spark they need.
A pooja shelf can be made in any size to fit the needs of the people who will use it. By looking at the many pooja shelves available, you can choose the best design for the space. You can make your pooja room look better by using a one-of-a-kind pooja room shelf design.
If the rest of the house has marble floors, putting marble in the prayer room will make it look more like the rest. The same look can also be achieved with ceramic or vitrified tiles, which are more common in modern apartments and homes. If you compare marble to ceramic or vitrified tiles, on the other hand, you’ll see that marble lasts longer.
#3 Pooja Corner in living rooms

This is one of the most common layouts for a tiny pooja room, becoming more common in smaller residences with few space alternatives. The space available in the pooja room was considered while designing both the entrance to the pooja room and the pooja shelf designs included in this layout.
The shelves and door of the pooja room are both made in a way that helps create the right atmosphere inside.
Most middle-class homes have a pooja in the corner of the living room. You can choose a wall based on how convenient it is for you, but most people follow the advice of Vaastu Shastra when selecting a wall for their pooja room.
Most Indian homes have cement wardrobes, which can be used as Pooja spaces. There are a lot of these closets.
Glass can be used to make the entrance to the pooja room, and the shelves show off the different idols. To further improve the aesthetic appeal of the corner of your Pooja room, you could also install a piece of colored glass as a backdrop.
#4 Pooja Mandir On A Stand

You could also set up a pooja stand in your home. There are many pooja stands, and you can choose the one you like best. These designs are about the same as the other two. Here you can find a pooja unit linked to a storage unit. This design, which can be used for two different things, is modern and uses space well.
You are free to change how the pooja rack is made in any way that fits your needs and tastes. The way the pooja rack is made gives you the space and privacy you need in your pooja room, which is why it is so popular with the general public.
The pooja stand is made to be put anywhere in your home. Because of this, it doesn’t take up much space. In addition, the stand for the pooja room will give you enough space to put all of the pooja mandir accessories in their proper places.
You can always make the pooja stand you use for your rituals look better by trying homemade pooja decorating ideas.
The stands inside dwellings are often relatively small, so one must be careful while setting objects on them. If there are children residing in the household, it is strongly advised that the things be chosen so that they do not fall off and, even if they do, are not delicate.
#5 Wooden mandir

Wood is a versatile material used to decorate your home, and it is made to add beauty and warmth to any room. At the moment, there are several beautifully made wooden idols in the pooja room.
But instead of making a new wooden mandir design for the house, one could save money by looking for jali designs or old wooden furniture at second-hand stores or flea markets and then refinishing them. This is a better choice than building a new mandir out of wood.
A wooden mandir is usually made of teak wood, Sheesham wood, and mango wood. The ancient Indian practice of Vastu shastra says that Sheesham and rosewood are the luckiest types of wood.
The wooden doors to temples can be left open during the day or after a ceremony, but they can be closed for a good reason.
Depending on the oversized items, they can be put on a table or directly on the ground. They are easy to find and provide a ready-made answer to the question of how to build a religious or spiritual space that is both small and designed well.
The beautiful jaali brings to life the way the mandir’s white marble and light wood go well together. The best thing about jaali frames is that they let air in for a while, letting you see some of the worlds around you.
If you want more modern and sophisticated furniture for your home, you might want to think about getting this wooden temple. The look is improved by the stone wall with a small piece of marble in the middle of it. The floating console unit takes care of the storage needs.
#6 A dedicated pooja room

Back then, it was common for there to be unique places for pooja since the whole joint family would gather there for ceremonies. So, it’s probably easy to imagine that the holy place is prominent.
Pictures or paintings can be hung very high up on the walls, and small tables can be used to show off idols. The floor could have a good carpet, and either lights or agarbathis could be used for lighting.
If you have enough space in your house, you should be able to turn one of the rooms into a place where you can practice your religion or spirituality. To make your place of worship feel more like you, add framed pictures of gods and goddesses, lights, and diyas. But don’t forget to keep this place as clean as possible to keep its elegant look.
Curio-sized items can be put on corner shelves or other fixtures that don’t stand out too much. A modern and stylish design for a corner might include a small panel with a design and a few stairs for putting things on.
#7 Pooja Room Design with Jali/ CNC

CNC is the cutting designs, sometimes referred to as jali designs. These show that the cost of your accommodation is more than it is. They may be used as a backdrop on the wall or to fill the prayer area. Although it is a minor detail, it might enhance your worship experience.
The jaali’s main favorable features are that they allow for ventilation and only provide the user a partial view. Even with the door closed, you could keep a diya burning in your pooja room and check on it anytime you pleased. There’s no need to worry about the house catching fire.
The idea may also work in the pooja or puja room, and they don’t cost too much. The jali panel can be altered with motifs like sacred symbols, holy texts, or etchings of gods and goddesses to add a particular feature to pooja room designs for Indian homes.
These jaalis may be synchronized with the other decorations in the space and the color of the walls. Another way to make an impression that won’t soon be forgotten is to combine these jaalis with the backlights or the diyas in the pooja room.
The Design and Decoration Ideas for the Pooja Room-
- Putting up a mandir in your home is just the start of the process. If you want the pooja room to look nice, you must add certain design elements. You can do different things in this area depending on your money. Here are some ideas that have worked well in the past.
- The best way to decorate your Pooja room is with drapes, flowers, decorative lighting, and plants that are both pretty and good for the environment. You can read the post above to find out more and get more creative ideas like these.
- There is a small cotton mat under the altar that people can kneel on if they want to. During puja rituals, it is common for families to sit on the ground instead of on chairs or benches. When people get together to pray, there must be enough space to sit around the murtis.
- Make sure the room is set up best so that your simple pooja room designs for Indian homes stand out from your competitors. Ensure the space has all the needed furniture, decorations, artwork, etc.
- If the pooja room has a beautiful background, it can make the room look even better. You might decide to work with interior designers to get the look and feel you want. Here is a list of ideas to help you start something new.
More ideas:
- Backlit Corian panels are a popular way for interior designers to decorate living rooms and bedrooms without putting up a feature wall. The same idea can also be used in a pooja room, where the panel can be customized with sacred symbols, holy phrases, or etchings of gods and goddesses to add a unique touch to the design of a pooja room in a home.
- The entrance to the pooja room doesn’t have to look like the entrance to your bedroom, but it should look good with the rest of the house. Make sure it has its door, so anyone who comes in can tell immediately that it is a pooja room.
- You could put carvings on the door that go with the theme or make it see-through. Getting something different written on the door is another option that can change how it looks and should be considered.
- A false ceiling is a very modern way to decorate the inside of your puja rooms. You can make it your own by cutting out different designs or adding different textures to create your desired mood.
- You should try to decorate the Pooja room with things made of brass, like lamps, bells, and brass pots, because they go well with the style of the rest of the house.
- Avoid clutter and having too many pictures or idols. This is because it is more likely to be a distraction than a place where you can be committed and focused. We put our things on shelves instead of letting them pile up on the floor because we want this space to be clean and clear.
- Because there are so many pooja room door design photos available, you can now try out different ways to make the entrance to your pooja room look different from the entrances to the other rooms.
- Glass can be used to make the entrance to the pooja room, and the shelves show off the different idols. You could also hang a piece of colored glass in the background of your Pooja room to make it look nicer.
- The traditional way the pooja chamber is set up is based on how temples are usually set up. Contemporary layouts are another option. These are the kinds of designs that often work best for smaller flats with less space for pooja rooms. They can choose from rooms that are stylish, small, and up to date.
- If you are using a pre-made pooja room, you can also think about Vastu Shastra’s principles to ensure that the room is suitable and effective.
- Make sure the room is set up best so that your simple pooja room designs for Indian homes stand out from your competitors. Ensure the space has all the needed furniture, decorations, artwork, etc.
- Putting stone cladding on the walls of your prayer area makes it look modern and natural, which is excellent if you want to bring the outdoors inside. It is one of the most common designs for the Pooja Room because it always gives the room a feeling of refined sophistication.
Important points
- The layout and design of a pooja room should be thought out to make it as easy to clean and maintain as possible. This is because a pooja room is considered to be a holy place. The amount of care needed to keep the room in perfect condition may vary depending on how the space is set up and what materials are used.
- Good luck when making an Indian pooja room with a bell, a Kalash filled with water, a right-hand Shankh, and a Shree Yantra. A red cloth should be put down under the idols as well.
- This kind of prayer room is made to look like a temple. It is big, has a lot of space, and has been around for a long time. It can be decorated with intricate designs, brass temple bells, and diyas. You might want to pray to your gods in a building that looks just like the sanctum sanctorum of one of your favorite temples.
Role of Lighting for Pooja Rooms-
In India, people think lighting is one of the essential parts of a pooja door design. Keep the beauty of your mandir by giving it enough light to stay bright. The lighting is a big part of a room’s elegance, not just in Indian pooja rooms but in all pooja rooms and other home parts.
Just making sure your pooja room has enough light at all times is enough to create the calm, spiritual atmosphere you want. Use ambient lighting, but don’t use too many lights that might take attention away from the idols you like, usually the focal point. Keep things simple and in line with what your pooja room is all about.
Like in other house rooms, the lighting system determines how elegant the pooja room is. When trying to come up with ideas for small pooja room designs for Indian homes, smart lighting could be the answer to making the pooja area seem more significant than it is.
Light is one of the essential parts of a home temple, no matter how big or small. Since the beginning of poojas, oil lamps and diyas have been a critical part of the ceremonies. Also, the ceiling has a lot of fixed dim lighting. Electric diyas and different colored lamps can also be set up in the pooja space.
Since the pooja area should have a calm feeling, avoiding spotlights and other types of focused lighting is best. You could use ambient lighting instead. The main goal of the lighting in the pooja room should be to draw attention to the most critical parts of the room, like the idols. Also, it shouldn’t be so bright that it takes up the whole room.
Why is it important?
In a pooja room, there must always be some light, even if it’s just a dim glow, so it’s essential to set up enough lighting. Pooja rooms shouldn’t be pitch black.
A pooja room needs to be very well lit. Various lighting options can be used to keep the space lively. Many types of lights can be used for decoration, or chandeliers can be set up with another kind of overhead lighting. Beautiful string lights can also decorate the room and be hung anywhere. On each side of the pooja unit, you can put brass lamps where you want.
Focus lights or spotlights should not be used in the pooja area because the atmosphere should be calm and peaceful. Instead, you should use lighting that blends into the room. The lighting in the pooja room should highlight the most critical parts of the room, like the idols, without drawing too much attention to itself.
Role of Wall colors of your pooja room-
Because the color of the pooja room is crucial for making it stand out, you must choose the right color for the walls. You can try out different ideas for your pooja room, like changing the colors.
Families should use bright colors like white, pale yellow, or orange to decorate the pooja room. You can also choose pastel versions of these colors, making the area look more open, airy, and calm.
When choosing designs for the pooja room, you should consider the color scheme of the rest of your home and choose one that goes well with it.
Orange has been connected to many spiritual practices since ancient times, and these people are known to wear clothes in this color. The color orange makes people think of energy. If you think orange is too bright for the inside of a building, try using more muted shades of the color or mixing it with gold or ivory, which are both more muted.
Some things that can be used to make the pooja room feel holy are white marble, white doors, and white background. White is often associated with cleanliness, so a pooja room that is completely decorated in white would give off a sense of peace and calm. White is a color that always looks good, no matter what you do.
Budget-friendly ideas
If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on changing the pooja room, the best thing you can do is change the colors on the walls. You could paint the room a bright orange or yellow to make it feel more open and light.
Still, another option is to think about colors with two different tones. A lovely light green color can be filled in the bright red lines that can be seen. When you change the colors of the dual tones to match the colors in the other rooms, they work pretty well.
Role of Pooja Room Furniture-
The furniture in the pooja room is the most critical part of the ceremony. Even though you need some essential furniture, it would be a great way to keep the room from clutter.
The essential furniture pieces will be enough to hold any accessories or other things needed during the pooja. Based on Vaastu’s rules, a temple made of nothing but wood is thought to be very lucky.
Since the room has wooden furniture, you must be more careful when lighting ideas. If it’s impossible to find wooden units. Wooden furniture that already exists could be refinished, or thrift stores that sell wooden furniture at reasonable prices could be considered an alternative.
You could also choose to decorate the pooja room with furniture made of marble, especially if there is a lot of space on the floor.
There are many ways to be creative with pooja room designs for Indian homes. Remember that all the parts should work well together to keep the area feeling sacred and help flow energy through the rest of the house.
The traditional pooja room’s undeniable charm comes from the care that goes into making it. The room has no distractions, and the atmosphere is almost zen-like. You have complete control over how clean and straightforward the pooja room you create is and how bright and busy it is.
Pooja rooms are the most important and traditional part of most Indian homes because they give people a place to pray and find peace. Because of this, people need to choose a Pooja room design that fits the family’s style and becomes a place where people want to gather.
No matter how big or poor an Indian home is, it has a place for worship and prayer. If you want to install a puja unit in your home or are looking for ways to make the space you use for worship more interesting, you should talk to a professional designer.