Base | Corner Trolleys | Deep Drawers | Spice Racks | Drop Outs | Pull Outs
When designing the kitchen in any house, people look for optimum space utilisation. It is suggested to go for trolley designs that help you in using the space in the best possible way. When selecting kitchen trolley designs remember that keeping the space organised is your prime objective.
Kitchen trolleys come in varied designs and serve different purposes. It depends upon your kitchen type and requirement as to which one suits your space. Although there are umpteen kitchen trolley designs that you can choose from, we have handpicked the best 6 for you. Take a look:
1. The Base

Just as the name suggests, this trolley design is supposed to hold almost everything. You can store heavy utensils as it is strong and sturdy enough to hold a lot of weight. Having a stainless steel make, this kind of trolley has massive space and you can keep lots of stuff in there. The trolley is very spacious and the gaps are wide enough to allow breathing space for the utensils. Do not worry about the utensils slipping out from the gaps as they aren’t that wide.
2. Corner Trolleys

Specially made for kitchens with L-shaped corners, the corner kitchen trolley designs are used in almost every Indian kitchen set-up. Great for utilising the space which would have otherwise been left wasted, these trolleys are true space savers. You can store a lot of stuff and the trolley gives you easy access to the stuff stored.
3. Deep Drawer Trolleys

Who doesn’t wishes to have a dedicated space for bigger utensils like pots, pans, pressure cookers etc? These deep drawer trolleys give you large spaces to store all that you wish to. You can get your trolley customised as per your utensil sizes and make it look organised. This also prevents the utensils from colliding and sliding while you pull out or push in the drawer.
4. Spice Racks

Any Indian kitchen is incomplete without spices. The heart of an Indian kitchen is the variety of spices stored and to have a dedicated trolley for spices is something every Indian kitchen deserves. This trolley is sleek and slender and is usually installed just below the gas stove so that you can easily access the spices while cooking food.
5. Drop Out Trolleys

If you have a high ceiling in your kitchen and you are looking to use the storage space to its full height, these trolleys are just the thing you need. These are basically installed at a height but with one push you can bring them down and grab the stuff stored in there. Once pushed in the cabinet sets in perfectly with the rest of the furniture or cabinets and looks chic.
This is a fantastic concept for using space effectively. The mechanism is cool enough to make people go gaga over it.
6. Pull Out Shelves

Any extra space in the kitchen is always welcomed and if kitchen trolley designs are crafted to provide more space it is like icing on the cake. These pull-out shelves are crafted out of high-grade wood and come with a pull-out door. The door gives you extra storage space thus doubling up the storage capacity. This trolley design looks chic and is sturdy enough to last for years.
Each trolley design type serves a purpose and you should smartly plan and think about which one would suit your kitchen type and space. A well-organised kitchen is something people look forward to and these trolleys are sure to serve you the right way.