Overview | Marble Tiles | Bold Quirky | Colourful Motif | Contrasting Style | Herringbone | Wooden | Contemporary | Quartz | Terracota | Italian | Brick | Colour Choice | FAQ
When you are looking to renovate your home, you have to be sure that you are putting in the right effort and making the right choice. One of the easiest things to do is to opt for tiles. Tiles are very easy to maintain and they can be fixed easily too.
There are a lot of reasons why people choose tiles and here, we will talk about the design of the different tiles that you can choose from. You should always make it a point to check out the different tiles design options, weigh the theme of the room, and then decide what seems to be the apt choice for your place.
We will be sharing the different types of tiles design for you to explore. Feel free to explore the options at hand and pick the befitting choice.
Tiles Design- The Basic Overview
When it comes to interior design, tiles are one of the most preferred choices. They are pretty thin slabs that come in a lot of textures, shapes, and styles. A lot of different types of raw materials are used for making tiles. These can range from a mixture of clay, quartz, or even sand.
The most common spaces where the tiles are used are usually kitchen tiles and bathroom spaces. The main reason is that they’re very easy to clean and are water resistant as well. This makes it good for such places where a lot of watermarks are likely to be present.
You will be amazed at the flurry of options that tiles design has to offer, and so you will have a lot of variety to pick from. So, you can analyse the overall theme of your room and then look at the possible tile options and then pick what seems to be the right choice.
Floor Tiles Design For The House
If you want to make a style statement, you can always choose the trending style of tiles design and use it in your house. Some of these tiles are also very expensive but they end up giving a touch of modern luxury to your place.
Here are some of the different options that you have for the sake of floor tiles design. Feel free to check out the options and choose what you deem to be fit for your place.
1. The Marble Floor Tiles Design

There is no double thought about the fact that marbles lend an air of sophistication to the whole place. If you want your home to look very classy and elegant, choosing marble tiles is a great way to make things happen.
You will find a lot of different marble tiles and they come in various shapes and colours as well. If your focus is more on elegance and less on dramatic effects, the right answer lies with marble tiles. Always choose to have subtle shades when you don’t want things to be very dramatic.
2. Bold and Quirky

Some people like to have sharp and striking tiles designed in their homes. If your taste is also of the same kind, you can choose to have bold and quirky tiles as well. You will not find a flurry of options here but there are going to be different types of styles you can pick from.
Some of these tiles come with non-repeating patterns and the design can be wildly abstract as well. Make it a point to check out these themes. If you have an artist theme in the room, you can choose these bold and quirky tiles. They tend to go with the overall theme and then give a very funky taste to the overall place.
A lot of art studios tend to have such a style of tiles.
3. The Colourful Motifs

A lot of tiles come with colourful motifs. This is great if you have monochromatic walls and a unicolour-themed room. Having a single colourful element will jazz up the whole space in the right manner. You can use such colourful tiles in kitchen areas and dining spaces too. It will help in introducing the much-needed colourful blast to the place.
You can find colourful motifs in a lot of varied textures and designs. So, you will have the provision to choose the type that seems to be apt for your use.
4. The Contrasting Styles

You can also choose to overlap different types of tile styles to create a contrasting pattern. Choose grey or neutral tones with coloured tiles. Or you can choose the different patterns of tiles in a sandwiched manner as well. The option is wide open for you to decide and choose. Most people like to choose wooden tiles as one option when trying to opt for a contrasting look.
This is sure to impart the right effect to your place and can work wonders for your design quotient.
5. The Herringbone Patterns

The herringbone pattern helps in enhancing the overall appeal of your place. It creates a visually striking appeal and is sure to impart modern richness and the right vibe to the place. You will find limited options in such design but the overall design is pretty common and popular. It is best suited for those who are not in the mood to experiment a lot and are looking to settle for safer and great elegant choices.
6. The Wooden Floor Tiles Design

You can also choose to opt for wooden tiles as they have a truly royal touch and appeal. They come in several diverse shades. Mostly, brown and grey are the usual colour tones you will associate with wooden tiles. However, you do have other colour options as well.
But, when you are looking to keep things natural, these are the preferred shade. One quick tip we will like to add is that you should try and incorporate some plants and shrubs outside your entrance if you are using wooden tiles for the exterior walls. This helps in getting the complete look and is sure to add wonders to the overall impression.
7. New Age Contemporary
Sometimes people end up choosing random tiles design as this can help them get the new age contemporary look. When you know how to mix and match the different tiles designs and get a great random pattern, you will be able to get the perfect contemporary look. A lot of people these days are opting for these designs as it is currently trendy and seems to be catching the fancy of everyone.
8. The Quartz Tiles

If you want your home to have a luxurious look and you want to spell perfection, the right thing to do is to opt for quartz tiles. These are known to be very rich and have a pretty elegant look. Make sure to choose the right quality quartz tiles as they are sure to end up creating the right impression. The kind of rich vibe these tiles emit is unmatched. Marble and quartz both are great options as far as luxurious tiles design is concerned.
9. The Terracotta Tiles

Terracotta tiles are another great option that you can choose to integrate. They are usually best considered for the living room. You can use them on the floor or the walls based on your preferences and choice. These tiles add to the strength and they also impart a rich rustic vibe to your place. So, it is upon you to decide the type of terracotta tiles you will like to buy.
10. Italian Floor Tiles Design

Italian tiles are the finest option as far as having a super luxurious feel is concerned. They are known to be fire-proof and the shine they emit is unmatched. You will find that Italian tiles come in a lot of variety as you will find several colours and designs in these options. Some people have a strong preference for Italian tiles and they will not do much of décor except having these stylish tiles for their room floors.
If you want to opt for Italian tiles, the best place will be the living room.
11. Brick Tiles

If you want your home to exude a rustic vibe, you need to incorporate brick tiles in your room. You can choose it for the interiors of your bedroom as well. This will help in having the right accents on your wall. However, when you are using these tiles for your wall, make sure to weave the right design elements in your room.
The Colour Choice For Floor Tiles Design
Whenever you are choosing the right tiles, one of the important aspects has to be the colour. This is why you need to weigh the options. We are going to give you some options so that you can come to the right decision.
The neutral colours
There are several neutral colour options like white, black, and even grey. These are usually chosen when you want to have a minimal touch to the place or you want to highlight certain areas with contrast.
The cool colours
Some of the cool colour options include shades of blue, and tones of green. They tend to bring a calm and refreshing touch to the interiors of your place and are therefore a preferred option
The earthy tones
Brown and green are known to represent the shade of a tree and are hence referred to as earthly colours. They are known to bring stability and peace of mind. They are usually chosen when you need a good background colour.
So, weigh the above points and choose the befitting colour.
What tile type is best for the floor?
Italian tiles are the most expensive and emit the richest look. You can also choose vitrified tiles that are made from silica, clay, and quartz.
Which is the most popular tile pattern?
The herringbone style is known to be the most popular style of 2022. However. you should weigh the theme of your room and then decide on the right choice.
Are ceramic tiles a good option?
We will recommend them for the walls rather than the floors.