Variety | Features | Cost Estimates | Key Tips | Merits And Demerits | Design Elements | Minimalistic Touch | POP Design | Rectangular Style | Wooden Ceiling | PVC Ceiling | Intricate Carving | FAQ
Whenever you are working on renovating your house, it is fairly important to be sure that you are paying heed to every minute detail. Your inability to do so is likely to lead to inefficiency in the design structure of your home. While there are several components you will have to be mindful of, one such aesthetic that holds a lot of importance has to be the false ceiling designs. It is absolutely important to be mindful of the type of false ceiling designs you will choose for your bedroom.
One of the key reasons why people prefer a false ceiling is because it is energy efficient as well. There are a lot of perks to choosing the right false ceiling designs. Apart from improving the overall aesthetics, it also does a great work of saving the right deal of energy. Another great utility that the false ceilings have is that it helps in shielding all the wires and clutter. Every room is likely to have plenty of electrical wires and by choosing to have a false ceiling done, you can conceal most of the wires at the top. This will give your room a much better look and thereby improve the overall design.
The Variety
There is no end to the amount of variety that one can find in the world of false ceilings. You will be amazed at the tons of options. Everything right from the materials chosen to the style, the area covered, and the design; everything has plenty of options to choose from. So, you are free to pick the best option at hand.
The apt way to choose the right false ceiling design is by making sure that you incorporate the overall theme of the room in your design and style.
Features Of False Ceilings
Here are some of the salient features offered by false ceilings. This will give you an idea of what to expect from it.
- They help in improving the aesthetics of your room by hiding all the unwanted clutter and wires
- They both insulate and lower the noise levels
- They tend to last long. When the right materials are used, they can easily last for as long as 20 years or more
- Based on the type of material you have chosen, they can be resistant to fire and water
- They help in adding an elegant and homogenous light to your room and thereby improve the overall design significantly
- If there are beams in the structural design of your room, you will be able to conceal them with the help of false ceilings
It is extremely important to be sure that you are paying heed to the specifics and then choosing the right design of a false ceiling. The best design can truly revamp the way your room looks significantly.
Cost Estimates for False Ceiling Designs
If you want to get a rough estimation of the cost that will be incurred when making a false ceiling, here are some of the different factors that will come into play.
- Based on how elaborate and decorative a ceiling is, the cost will be determined accordingly
- The quality and type of material you have chosen for the false ceiling will end up governing the net cost as well
- The net area that the false ceiling will cover. Obviously, the larger the area, the higher will be the cost
- Several additional expenses are also going to be there that will be incurred. This will include sundry expenses like light fixtures, surface finish, electrical work, gala cutting, and more. One has to account for each of these sub-aspects when analysing the net cost for the expenses incurred for the false ceiling.
So, if you want to have a rough estimate for the net cost that will be incurred while buying a false ceiling, you will have to take into account each of these points. This will allow you to draw a rough price chart. Make sure that you analyse all the details with a keen insight into the different points. The net estimate may differ from the actual cost that will end up being incurred.
On top of this, the rates are also going to differ based on the location and area as well. Different areas have varying charges that will be incurred and so you should keep in mind the area approximation of the cost as well.
The Key Things To Note
Before you decide to get a false ceiling done, there are some key aspects that you need to bear in mind.
- False ceilings allow you to have a lot of diverse lighting options for your room. So, based on the type of light you desire and the overall tone and theme of lights, feel free to choose the best option.
- It is also a great way to add to the physical comfort of the place and it helps in psychological upliftment as well. You should make it a point to incorporate the best effects into it.
- Luxury false ceilings are a great way to enhance the overall look and feel of the room. So, you should decide on the overall design that you want. The underlying idea is that you should make it a point to check the kind of design that has the best suitability for your room.
- Always make sure that you are hiring the right contractors. This is going to help you work on the overall aesthetics of the place. The last thing you want is to hire inefficient contractors who will not be able to design the false ceiling the way it is supposed to.
- You can also choose to hire the services of an interior designer. They have a much better idea regarding which design will be apt for the right style of the room.
How To Make The Most Of False Ceilings?
There are a lot of different ways by which you can put a false ceiling to several uses. Here, we are going to list the specifics for you. This will allow you to make the most of it and enhance the vibe of your place.
- The ceiling is one of the core design components of your home. You can choose to change the plane and this will help in creating a different volume/room form.
- You can also choose to have a vintage style of design as well. Even a vintage-style of the false ceiling will inspire the best of the vintage art form in your room.
- The false ceiling will help act like a thermal insulator. Whenever the filler slabs are made of glass bottles or even earthenware, they are left inside the ceiling and are kept exposed there. These end up acting like great thermal insulators.
- A false ceiling helps in enhancing the overall geometry of the place and it is a great way to make sure you can improve the net aesthetics of your place.
The Merits And Demerits Of False Ceiling Designs
If you want to design false ceilings, it is important to be mindful of the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. Here, we will be sharing the key advantages and disadvantages and this will allow you to be prepared for the scenario.
The Merits
Here are some of the merits of implementing a great false ceiling design.
- The right false ceilings help in incorporating great acoustics
- The false ceiling allows you to conceal the wires and pipes with seamless ease
- When you have the right design in place, it will ensure that the home will be well insulated.
- It is a great way to balance the overall height in your room. The false ceiling comes in super handy for rooms that have a tall ceiling.
- It helps in adding different types of light effects to your room and can improve the overall vibe
- It aids in adding a layer of elegance and sophistication to the room
The Demerits
Here are some of the demerits that the false ceiling signs seem to have
- When the ceilings are not installed properly, they may fall off and this can lead to big accidents and hazards
- It is important to hire the best experts to ensure accurate results
- When you compare it with the regular ceiling, you will need to do a lot of extra care and maintenance ear else they won’t be very durable and may not last that long
- If you have a room where the ceiling is already low, having a false ceiling can greatly reduce the height. This is not desirable. Mostly, it is advised to have a net ceiling height of more than 11 feet.
- When the right material is not used, it will fail to give you the right effect
- When non-heat resistant material is used, the use of heat-emitting lights can be detrimental and can lead to the destruction of false ceilings
- It adds to the overall expenses that are incurred in room design
- As the wires are concealed underneath the false ceiling, you will find it hard to get any of the repair work done
- Even a slight fault somewhere can entail a lot of expenses as some form of the false ceiling needs to be dismantled completely even in case of minor repairs
The Best Design Elements And Factors
Here are some of the top design elements and factors that you need to bear in mind for the sake of understanding the right ways to have an elegant false ceiling. We will also make it a point to share some of the most cost-effective ideas too. This will help you curb your expenses while making sure you have a well-designed room in the place.
Everyone loves to decorate their home well and these designs help you do exactly that.
Creating the fake ceiling theme
You can choose to create a fake ceiling theme. This is likely to compliment the theme, décor, and even the style of your home. One of the common ways people choose to do so is by opting for gypsum boards. They work as a great idea and can help in elevating the overall design of your bedroom by several notches while keeping the cost consistent.
Once you have set the base, you can simply choose to have an articulate play of colours embedded. Some of the light projection methods are largely inexpensive and you can choose that if budget is a major constraint.
The area
The next thing you need to bear in mind has to be the overall area and the height of the bedroom. You don’t want your room height to be extremely less. A fan is likely to come after the false ceiling layer which will cut down the net-free height even more.
If you have a commercial set-up, you need to incorporate things like HVAC, and support lines that will lower the space even more. So, analyse the net space, and the height of the room, and then decide on the false ceiling design to choose. Don’t choose to spread out the design as this will only put the cost higher.
Incorporating the lights
If you have a false ceiling, you need to incorporate lights into it to get the desired effect. You can choose to have a chandelier if the false ceiling is in the living room. It helps in adding a dramatic effect. For bedrooms, most people tend to have rope light fit inside the ceiling as this leads to soft illumination of the room.
So, weigh the options and make the right choice
Finish and colour
The next thing you need to do is understand what kind of finish and colour tone you will like. We will always recommend weighing the overall theme of the room. This will give you a better picture of the right colour palette that you need to pick. Choosing neutral shades is recommended when the rest of the room theme is not decided yet. This will ensure that your ceiling will blend naturally into the room design.
Future-oriented design
You need to know that false ceiling aren’t changed very often. So, even if you plan to make changes to your room or add different fittings and alter colour tones, your current false ceiling design should be done keeping these aspects in mind.
There isn’t much of a provision for altering the false ceiling later and if handled well, they are likely to last long. So, choose the right approach and then stick to it.
These are the key things you need to bear in mind when you are looking to choose the best false ceiling designs. Now that we are done talking about the basics, we will share some of the false ceiling design ideas for you to seek inspiration from.
False ceiling designs of modern Indian bedrooms
Here are some of the design options you can explore
1. Minimalistic Touch

Some people love to have a false ceiling for the sake of it. They can choose to have a super minimalist touch with simple light integrated into it. You can choose gypsum false ceiling also. They look elegant and sophisticated and keep the theme of the room minimal. Don’t add romantic lights here or else it will defeat the design’s purpose.
2. POP Designs

You can choose to have POP designs for your bedroom. The world is vast when it comes to pop designs and you will be flooded with options. You can choose to incorporate circular design and ornate flowers and do what’s not. This is best suited for those who want their ceiling to do all the talking.
Mostly when people choose POP ceilings, they try to incorporate different colour tones. You can choose from different hues of yellow to even turquoise and ebony as they tend to evoke a more personal look and feel to the room.
3. The Rectangular Style

If you are not in the mood for too much experimentation and will like to stick to a simpler approach and style, choose the rectangular layout for a false ceiling. This is also used for rooms where you will have a fan affixed to the ceiling. Such design tends to lend a great deal of symmetry. Once again, you are free to choose the type of material you want and based on that; you will be able to sketch the exact design you want.
This is also a chosen design when you have a limited budget in mind.
4. Wooden False Ceiling Designs

Wooden designs are also in vogue and a lot of people choose to opt for this style as well. They can be both loud and minimal based on the budget and taste that you have.
One of the common themes with wooden ceilings is to have a grid style as this is basic and elegant at the same time. You will find a lot of hotels in the colder areas have wooden symmetrical ceilings. They lend an air of sophistication while ensuring good insulation and keeping the room warm.
If you want to tilt towards fancier designs, you can do that too. Choose grainy or even textured wood and it will allow you to have fancier styles. However, always make sure that you are choosing termite-proof wooden false ceiling designs. You will need to take some precautions though when you use wooden ceilings.
5. PVC False Ceiling Designs

This design is mainly for those who want to add a touch of drama to their room. If you want your ceiling to become the talking town, you should opt for this striking choice of colour. You can choose to have an extended panel so that it will start from the very tip of the bed’s dashboard and continue to the very top.
These PVC ceilings tend to become the talking point and make a striking statement. It is a lot fancy and preferred for those who like to have a dramatic touch to their rooms. These ceiling designs can also be pretty expensive and if you have room to splurge you can go on and on and work on the designs and make them pretty elaborate.
6. The Intricate Carving

If you have an eye for detail and you like your ceiling to showcase your love for art and designs, you can choose to have intricate carvings. This is a great way to make a killer statement. You can choose to have floral patterns or even different shapes on the ceiling. No matter what you choose to opt for, it is sure to elevate the overall feel of the room.
However, if you choose to have a minute and intricate carvings on the ceiling, it will become important to employ highly trained labour. This is because a lot of effort and skilled labour will be put to use. Even the slightest error can end up taking away the sheen from your ceiling. So, only go for such designs when you truly have the expert labour who can execute the ideas in mind.
Is the false ceiling set up costly?
Based on the material chosen, the area and the layout as well, false ceilings can have varied costs. You should try to draw an estimate before finalizing the design.
Is it important to fit lights in a false ceiling?
No rule book says you have to do so, but to bring in the right effects, ceilings need to have lights incorporated. You can have a rope light or even a chandelier and hanging lights. The choice is wide open for you.
How to choose the right colour for false ceilings?
Either go for natural tones that will blend with all shades or choose the colour that matches the overall theme of your room.
Can you have a false ceiling for small rooms?
Even if a room is small in size, you can incorporate a false ceiling. However, for rooms with very low height, a false ceiling is not recommended as it will drop the height furthermore. This will make the room appear stunted.
Are there precautions to take for wooden ceilings?
Yes, it is important to take certain precautions. For example, a wooden ceiling must be termite resistant or else it can get damaged very easily.