Septic Tank | Right Area | Essential Tips | Errors | Optimise | Vastu Dosh | Conclusion
Maintaining a safe and efficient septic system is essential!
Septic tanks are essential fixtures in any home. They collect and treat wastewater, irrigate gardens and flowers, flush toilets, and wash cars. However, if your septic tank is not situated correctly, this wastewater can cause severe problems for your home.
In this article, we will discuss some expert tips on positioning your septic tank for maximal efficiency.

Tanks and Energy for Septic Tank – How are they related?
Septic tanks are connected to the sewage system and often need to be in a specific position to avoid backups. Here are expert tips for the correct position of your septic tank:
- When choosing a site for your septic tank, ensure the soil is stable and free of rocks and roots. The tank should also be level with the surrounding ground. A slope of more than 1/4 of a degree can cause backups and poor drainage.
- If you live in an area with frosty winters, place your tank on an insulated pad to prevent freezing.
- To minimize traffic near your septic tank, choose a location away from main roads and intersections.
- Your septic system needs sunlight and fresh air access to function correctly. Place your tank near a window or door directly into the outside world.
Right Area for the Septic Tank
There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to where to place your septic tank, as the placement will depend on the layout of your home and the type of septic system you have.
However, following some expert tips can help you find the right area for your septic tank.
- Put your septic tank on a level area of your land where the water may simply drain away if you don’t have a pressurised sewer system. Tanks used for pressure sewer systems should be located close to the main line so that they can efficiently process wastewater.
- If your house has a basement or crawl space, it would be a good place to install the septic tank. There won’t be any blockages or backups since the ground is often harder than dirt and less prone to settle over time.
- And the closer the tank is to the foundation, the less damage will be done to the floor and other structural elements.
How to install a septic tank – Essential tips

Installing a septic tank is important in ensuring your home’s health and safety. Here are some tips to get the best direction for installing a septic tank:
1. Orient the septic tank so it drains away from the home’s exterior walls and towards the street. This will help keep groundwater from entering the home and pooling on the property, posing a potential health hazard.
2. Ensure that the septic tank’s drain field is large enough to accommodate all the wastewater generated by the home’s occupants. Overloading the drain field can lead to backups and flooding, damaging your property and posing a safety hazard.
3. Consider installing a septic tank on an impermeable substrate such as concrete or tile. This will help prevent groundwater from seeping into and contaminating the tank’s wastewater stream.
Septic Tank Placement Errors to Avoid
If you are thinking of using a septic tank, do not do any of the following:
- Stand in the northeast corner of your bedroom. This is thought to be especially harmful to your health.
- Stand on a ladder while it is raining outside.
- Place the tank in an area that has been struck by lightning recently.
Using Vastu to Optimise Septic Systems
Some people may think installing a septic tank is easy, but this is not always the case. A septic tank installation must be done following the guidelines of Vastu shastra.
Here are some expert tips on correctly positioning a septic tank to ensure its successful operation.
1. Orient the Septic Tank Towards East and South
Two reasons why orienting a septic tank towards the east and south is essential. The first reason is that these directions represent the rising and setting sun, considered positive aspects of health and well-being. The second reason is that the east and south are considered the primary directions from which evil energy flows out of our world.
By positioning the tank in these directions, we can help protect our home from negative energies and improve our overall well-being.
2. Place Septic Tank at an Ease-of-Access Location
The best place to install a septic tank depends on various factors, including space availability, accessibility, and drainage requirements. However, one crucial factor to consider is ease-of-access.
3. Always consult a professional before making any changes to your home.
They can help you assess which areas might be most conducive to installing a septic tank, and they can advise you on how best to position the tank so that it will not create any problems.
4. Make sure the area where you plan to place the tank is clear and free of obstacles.
There should be at least 2 feet between the edge of the tank and any walls or furniture, and there should be plenty of space around it for people or animals to move freely.
Eliminate Vastu Dosh while locating a septic tank.
When it comes to placing a septic tank, some people may be tempted to follow the ancient Vastu Dosh (based on the principles of Feng Shui) to avoid negative energy. While there is some evidence that following Vastu Dosh can improve the flow of chi and, therefore, improve health and well-being, there is no scientific proof that it works in this case. Placing a septic tank in an unlucky area can cause problems.
If you have a septic tank in your home, it’s essential to take the proper steps to ensure that it operates safely and efficiently.
One of the most important things you can do is to position the tank correctly so that it doesn’t cause any negative energy or disturbances.
By following these expert Vastu tips, you can ensure that your septic tank stays healthy and operates for years to come.