Importance | Exposed Pipe | Minimal Touch | Ring Styles | Panelled Ceiling | Designer Cuts | Colour Pop | Floral | Spiral
If you have a shop, you want it to do good business. For this to happen, while it is really important that you focus on the quality of products, there are other aspects too you need to pay heed to. An important point has to be the overall design and style of your shop.
You have to make sure that your shop looks presentable. This is where pop design for shop comes into the picture. Let us throw more light on this aspect.
Why Is The Pop Design For Shop Important?
Whenever people come to your shop, it is absolutely important to be sure that you end up projecting a good impression. If you fail to do so, people will not like to come inside. This will end up impacting your business.
So, you need to work on the aesthetics of your shop and the best way to maintain this is by checking out the type of false ceiling design you want to have. There is no way you can afford to be complacent in this regard.
By choosing to have a pop design for the shop, you will be able to mask the unwanted clutter and wires easily. This will ensure that the place will look a lot more organized and better. It helps in making the place a whole lot more inviting and appealing to the buyers and can have a direct impact on your sales number.
So, it is always advised to choose the best pop design for the shop and then have it executed. They are durable and are likely to stay put for the duration of your business as you will not have to change them at all. You can also check out the best shops in Delhi for more inspiration.
So, now let us see some of the options that you can fiddle with.
The POP Design For Shop Ideas
Here we are going to talk about the different ideas and thereby guide you in a befitting way regarding which design is likely to be a good option. Of course, the final decision will depend largely on the type of shop you have, the nature of the business, the budget at hand, and the type of customers that will be coming. Always factor in the approximate taste of the customers before coming to the right decision.
1. The Exposed Pipe Effects

Based on the nature of your business that you have, you can choose to have a false ceiling design that gives you an exposed look. Here, people defeat the reason why false ceilings are used in the first place. Rather than masking the pipes, the ceiling is designed in a way that you can still see it. Of course, you get to limit and control the parts you want to show and the ones you wish to mask.
The idea here is to give it a very unorthodox and industrial look and feel. Make sure to match the colour tone of the pipe. You can choose to have hanging lights and we will ideally recommend a darker colour tone for such a setup. This will give you the complete industrial set-up look.
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2. The Minimal Touch

Some shops don’t believe in having too loud interiors. There is a study that says that shops with too much décor tend to distract buyers and can negatively hamper sales. This is why less is more when it comes to shops. You can choose to have a simple ceiling with little or no effects. The minimal touch adds to the simplicity and elegance.
3. The Ring Styles

The good thing about Plaster of Paris is that you can easily mould it and give it the desired shape. It is upon you to choose the style you want. You can have several rings on the ceilings or any other geometrical shape that you desire. The different shapes and figures tend to add to the overall style and thereby help you elevate the overall design of the place.
The underlying idea is to ensure that you have the best design that goes well with the theme and décor of the place.
For a more dramatic effect, you can choose to add ceiling lights to the rings or whatever geometric shape you have chosen for the ceiling.
4. Panelled Ceiling

You can choose to have different panels on the ceiling. This is a great means to ensure that your place will be able to emit an elegant vibe. It is not too loud and yet looks classy. This style is also great for malls and big shops where you need to implement uniformity all across. Most of the time, it is also pretty affordable and doesn’t require too much-skilled labour either.
An important thing to do is to incorporate ample lights in this design. This is important as it allows you to have the right look at the place.
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5. Designer Cuts

There is no one rule book when it comes to pop design for shop. You can do anything and everything based on the style of your shop and the nature of your business. For example, if you deal in apparel or anything funky and trending, you can choose to have a very modern design for your shop.
You can choose designer cuts in the ceiling that can be random. Having no fixed design in mind is also a design. You can choose to have a random fitting and just make sure that the final output looks good enough.
6. Colour Pop Ideas

If you like to keep the shop jazzed, you can choose to have different colour elements integrated into the design. The underlying idea is to have a uniform light base. If suppose the theme of your shop is peach, you can choose a similar tone of light in your false ceiling and this will resonate with the theme of your shop.
Doing this is a great way of driving the colour home. A lot of brands advocate using the same colour as their packaging for the sake of driving customers to the idea of buying it. It is called forcing by repetition.
7. Floral Patterns

How could we talk of pop design for shop and not mention floral designs? Floral designs are evergreen and the best thing is that they go well with almost all themes and purposes. So, you can choose the type of floral design you want and then incorporate it accordingly.
The good thing about pop is that it is very easy to mould and takes the shape that you want. So even if you want an intricate floral design, pop false ceilings will surely allow you to achieve it. In order to extract the best out of this design, you should make it a point to incorporate different types of light effects into it.
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8. Spiral Shape

This is a little unconventional yet a great choice nonetheless. If you have a very huge shop, we will recommend you opt for the spiral design. This gives a grander look to the design and helps in showcasing the best impression as well. This design tends to increase the ceiling height even more and is surely a great option. You can choose the top material. A lot of people opt for glass as it helps in seeing through the sky and gives a great mirrored look.
So, these are some of the different options as far as pop design for shop and commercial spaces is concerned. We are sure, you would be able to come to the right decision now.
Related: Shop Decor: POP Design Ideas