ration cards | criteria for eligibility | identification card | online application | convert a kerala ration card | updating or withdrawing | ration card update | renewing | filing complaints | grievance applications | smart cards | qr code
Learn everything about the Kerala ration card, including how to apply, eligibility and needed paperwork, how to add and remove names, and how to make a complaint.
A ration card is a formal requirement with several applications. Residents get ration cards from the Kerala Civil Supplies Department. Kerala ration card connects to all forms of public assistance. Kerala ration cards also enable access to low-cost necessities.
We’ll go through how to get a ration card and an e-Ration card in Kerala.

Types of Kerala Ration Cards
- Antyodaya Anna Yojana cards
This Kerala ration card is meant for the economically challenged people of the state.
- Priority cards
Those in the BPL category are handed this Kerala ration card.
- Non-priority cards
Those who fall under the APL category are given this Kerala ration card.
Kerala Ration Card: Criteria For Eligibility
To apply for a ration card in Kerala, candidates must satisfy the following criteria along with several documents:
- Indian citizenship.
- To be eligible, you must be a formal resident of Kerala.
- Usage of a single Kerala ration card is allowed at all times.
- Voter identification cards
- Driving License
- Any picture identification issued by the government
- Passport
- A candidate’s bank passbook
- Electrical expenses
- The newest telephone or mobile phone Bill
- The lessee’s rental agreement
- Old expired ration card
Kerala Identification Card: Method of Employment
You may apply for a ration card in Kerala by following the simple steps below.
Using Akshaya Centres
You may apply for a Kerala ration card at any state-wide Akshaya facility.
- Head on down to the Akshaya Center that’s close by.
- Specify the type that must be submitted.
- Please provide all of the required papers.
- The validation process will be finished.
- Make sure you pay the necessary amount for your ration card.
- After that, you will be given your card.
Using TSO Or DSO Office
Contact the TSO or DSO office that is most conveniently located to your current location.
- To process your request, click on the page.
- Please provide all of the required papers.
- The validation process will be finished.
- Make sure you pay the necessary cost for your ration card.
- The cost of filling out a form for a new ration card is 5 rupees.
- You should obtain your card in around two weeks.
Kerala Identification Card: Online Application
To apply for a Kerala ration card online, not to be confused with an e-ration card in Kerala), kindly follow the steps below:
- To access the form on the civil supply department’s website, https://civilsupplieskerala.gov.in/, you will need an internet-capable computer, laptop, or smartphone.
Kerala Ration Card: Online Application
- Choose ” registration forms ” from the list of options on the website.
- Choose the option that says “new ration card registration.”
- When the form appears on the screen, you should use the command to print it.
- After printing the form, carefully complete all of the required fields.
- Include all of the necessary attachments in your registration, then send them in to the local branch of the appropriate authorities.
What To do to Convert A Kerala Ration Card
- For ration card details in Kerala, visit https://civilsupplieskerala.gov.in/.
- Apply using the navigation pane.
- Pick one:
- Form to change ration card state
- Transferring Application for Ration Card
- Request for switching ration cards to a neighboring district
- Ration card holder change form
- The form appears on your desktop; click print.
- Download a copy and complete the blanks.
Include all the required documentation with your application and send it to the department’s local office.
Updating or withdrawing ration card users in Kerala
- Visit the webpage of the Dept of Civic Services.
- Choose required documents from the menu bar.
- Choose the preceding:
- Application for withdrawing users from ration card
- The page will display on your desktop; select print.
- Print a copy of the application and complete the essential fields.
- Provide all essential papers with your applications and mail them to the dept’s city branch.
Kerala Ration Card update
Follow these steps to verify the progress of a Kerala ration card implementation:

- You may learn more about the Civil Dept by checking out their company portal.
- Make your selection from the available application states.
- the current status of applications for Kerala ration cards
- Please provide the identifier that corresponds to your application.
- Click the button labelled “find.”
- Your screen will show the most up-to-date information.
The Process for Renewing Kerala Ration Cards
- Start by going to the official website.
- The next step is to choose “services.”
Kerala Identification Card: Renewal Method
- Pull down “Ration Card Renew.”
- Next, choose “Claim and Grievances Form.”
- Fill out the form.
- Send in your applications.
Kerala Ration Card: Procedure For Filing Complaints
- Start by going to the official website.
- Now choose “grievance resolution.”
- Kerala ration card: Procedure for Filing Complaints
- “Submit your complaint” may be accessed by clicking the link.
- Kerala Ration Card: Procedure for Filing Complaints
- “Submit” your information.
- A complaint submission form will be displayed.
Checking The Progress Of Grievance Applications For Ration Cards In Kerala

- Start by going to the official portal.
- Now choose “grievance resolution.”
- Please click the “application status” link. Checking the progress of grievance applications for ration cards in Kerala
- Please supply the cell phone number you gave in your application.
- If you choose to GO, the process will appear live.
Conversion Of Kerala Ration Cards To Smart Cards
Kerala is considering altering the size of ATM cards to use Contactless technology for ration cards. These Kerala ration cards may function as identification.
Recipients will get a Kerala ration card with a Unique number and barcodes on one side and information on their gross income, the availability of ration shops in their neighbourhood, and whether or not they have access to power or LPG gas on the other. To upgrade their Kerala ration card to a contactless card, citizens must pay Rs 25.
The plan-based consumers will not be charged. This Kerala ration card is available for purchase via the regional municipal relevant department or online through the website of the municipal resources agency.
Installing QR Code Readers At Ration Shops
The card can be used by downloading PDF. On this Kerala ration card are the phone numbers for TSO, regional distribution officials, and food regulators. QR code scanners will be put in ration stores by the government.
When the QR code is scanned, information about the owner is shown. Text messages will be sent to people who buy ration products.