plywood | slab | Japanese style flush | Japanese style barn | Japanese style sliding | Chalkboard
Adding a chalkboard door is a fun decoration idea for your kids. You can buy chalkboard paint in many colors and paint the door itself. Another subtle way to change the style of your door is to switch the handle. Here are the 6 Most Unique Door Design Ideas For Your House.
You can choose a classical, contemporary, modern, or minimalist design for your door handle. It all depends on your personal style and preferences. In any case, you should try out some different door handles.
1. Plywood door design
To make your own plywood door, you can use one of the many available designs for bedroom doors. There are several advantages of this material. One of them is that it is inexpensive. Plywood doors are also durable, which means you can use them for a long time.
And, of course, you can paint them. If you want, you can also add embellishments to your door with extra pieces of plywood. When you are using plywood, you will need rails and stiles on both sides. This is the most popular door design idea.
Other than the beauty of plywood, you can also find many designs online. For a pooja room, for example, you can find a beautiful plywood door design with square frames and religious images. These designs look beautiful when closed and give you a peek into the pooja room’s interiors.
In the same way, a plywood door for a bedroom can be an excellent addition to a room with a secluded area.
If you are choosing a bedroom door for an apartment or a small house, you may be wondering if you should choose solid wood or plywood. Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages.
While plywood has high impact resistance and surface dimensional stability, it is also cheaper than solid wood. The downside is that it is often made of sheets of wood that are artificially glued together.
If the glue strength is too low, the sheets can come apart. Bedroom door designs made of solid wood are more durable.

2. Slab or flush door design
If you are considering redecorating your bedroom, one of the most common decisions you will need to make is whether to install a slab or a flush door. A slab is a door without paneling or any other part of the door.
Slabs are more affordable than pre-hung doors and are also more customizable. However, you will need to consider the cost of installing them if you are unsure of how much DIY work is involved. This is the best among all the other door design ideas.
Slab or flush bedroom doors are both good choices for the bedroom. Slab doors are more affordable than prehung doors, and hollow-core slab doors can be as low as $35. While they require more labor, a prehung slab door may cost up to $150.
If you can install the door yourself, you may be able to save money by installing the frame and hinges. However, if you prefer a flush door, you may want to choose a different design.
A slab door is perfect for those who want to tackle remodeling projects the old-fashioned way. They are made of a solid rectangular slab of wood. In addition, a slab door doesn’t have a frame or a doorknob hole.
Slab doors sometimes referred to as book doors, are essentially just plain rectangles of wood. You can also choose from a pre-hung slab door that already comes with hinges and handles.

3. Japanese-style barn door design
If you want to preserve the valuable space in your bedroom, you can install sliding barn doors. You can paint these doors to complement the rest of the room’s décor. To give your bedroom a cohesive look, you should choose colors that complement one accent in the room.
For instance, you can pair the sliding barn doors with bold furniture or a wood-lined fireplace. Two matching pieces can bring cohesion to the entire space.
Choosing a sliding barn door with glass panels can make your room look more spacious. Choose a sliding door with frosted glass panels, which can allow light to enter the bedroom but provide privacy.
A modern sliding door with classic stainless steel barn door hardware will draw attention to your master suite. The hardware is hidden behind a top mount. If you want to go even further with your bedroom’s design, you can install a large horizontal four-panel barn door.
If you’d prefer not to install sliding doors, then you can install a Japanese-style barn door instead. This kind of door is space-efficient, and it offers privacy without being bulky. If you don’t have any space to hang doors, you can choose sliding doors, which are hung on both sides of the entrance.
Sliding doors can also hide a wall painting. So, it’s a win-win situation for you and your bedroom design.

4. Japanese-style sliding door design
Whether you’re trying to create a more elegant feel in your bedroom or simply want a stylish addition to your space, Japanese-style sliding doors are a great choice. These doors are popular throughout Asia, and their function and aesthetic appeal are unrivaled.
Originally made of dark wood, sliding doors with a lattice pattern became more functional in colder climates. Today, Japanese sliding door designs are available in a wide variety of materials, from contemporary paper to frosted glass.
You can even find a variety of local woods or plastics that will create a similar look. This is a personal favorite door design idea. Japanese sliding door design is the most convenient door design idea.
In addition to being used for partitions and cabinet doors, Japanese sliding doors are a perfect addition to bedrooms. A popular choice among homeowners is to install these doors as a replacement for folding and double doors.
These doors can be installed by DIYers or contractors, and come complete with wood, translucent paper, and small screws. To install the Japanese sliding door, you need to assemble the frame, affixing the panels to the frames.
The history of Japanese sliding doors dates back to the late 8th century. The Shindenzukuri style was commonly used by local aristocrats. Its minimalist aesthetic was based on the principle of maximum open space.
While the style is still used today, this style was once only available to the rich. The simplicity of the design makes it the perfect choice for any room. If you’re looking for an accent in a room, a decorative sliding door is a great way to make a statement.

5. Japanese-style flush door
Japanese-style flush door designs are popular with modern homeowners. These doors feature sleek lines and smooth finishes. They are also a perfect match for contemporary homes, as they blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Japanese style door design ideas are seemingly popular.
If you’re looking to create a Japanese-inspired bedroom, flush doors are the way to go. These stylish doors come in various color and pattern options, and can be painted or stained to match the rest of the room.
When choosing a Japanese-style flush door, it is important to think about the room’s function. Most bathrooms in Japan have either a squat or a flush toilet. It is important to note, however, that a western-style toilet is not necessarily more comfortable.
It’s also important to consider the bathroom’s location. Japanese houses typically have separate bathing and toilet rooms. The Japanese practice keeping the toilet door closed when not in use, whereas, in western countries, the toilet door is usually opened when the room is unoccupied.
If you have limited floor space, sliding doors are a great option. However, you should consider the opening size of your room before installing a flush door. If this isn’t possible, you can also install a Japanese-style sliding door.
Despite its small size, this type of door requires a large opening. Then, you can paint it to match the color of the wall. And if you’re a minimalist, consider using a shoji screen instead of a flush door. These screens have the same function as sliding doors, but they have a much more unique look.

6. Chalkboard
Painting a door with a chalkboard decoration can create a unique effect that will surely appeal to your guests. You can even use decorative nails to create a random geometric pattern or separate panel effect. One of the funkiest door design ideas is the chalkboard door design.
Before you begin painting, be sure to know the material of the door. You should also follow the pattern created with the adhesive tape. You can even include some text, like the name of your company, on the door.
Another option for chalkboard decoration is to install a wall sticker on the door. These wall stickers can be purchased easily from the market. You can also choose a chalkboard graphic that you find suitable.
The image does not have to be a masterpiece – it can just be a representation of your own style and personality. You can even draw or write your own words to stay motivated. Chalkboards also add an interesting touch to an otherwise boring door.

You can use either a single large panel or two smaller ones. If you want to use a single panel, then paint it in a light yellow or green color. Then, you can place a painted frame on the panel. Remember that a chalkboard wall is not just for wide-open spaces.
Rather, you can use it in niches and nooks as well. You can also make it as an accent wall by using different colors for it. You can easily style your house with these unique door design ideas.