Child Bedroom False Ceiling Design | LED | Multiple Tiers | POP | Coffered | Wooden | Gypsum | Simple White | Vaulted | Artsy | A Sunny Ceiling-to-Wall | Circular
A false ceiling is a fitted ceiling that hangs below the room’s original ceiling. It’s very popular in India and some other developed countries too. This false ceiling is usually attached by wooden or metallic frames and comes in different designs. The ceiling is the best and the most ignored part by home decorators.
Child Bedroom False Ceiling Design
A well-structured kids’ bedroom can allow this false ceiling design to create a good appearance and beautify the decorations of the whole room. Some years ago, false ceilings were used only in commercial buildings. Still, due to the improvement that has occurred, urban homeowners are veering towards spicing up their interiors with false ceiling designs.

You can cover up the original ceiling with different designs made of plaster of Paris or wood. To make the room look different, it is highly recommended that you can introduce some trending styles separate from the rest of the house. This false ceiling design can hide wiring, AC units, etc.
This design cannot be neglected by anyone since it is one of the important components of a perfect home interior design. This design is easy to install, maintain, and lasts longer. The kids’ bedroom is like a sanctuary. The bedroom design should be such that it will give a good mood and sharpen kids’ brains. To do that, a bedroom false ceiling design is a great way to activate that.
Popular False Ceiling Design Ideas
There are different kinds of false ceilings that make a good impression on kids’ bedrooms, so here is a list of some false ceiling designs that you can use for your kid’s bedrooms:
1. LED Dominated False Ceiling Design

This false ceiling design is simple and the most popular for the bathroom, creating an LED design for the ceiling. This ceiling design has recessed lights that give your kid’s bedroom an elegant look. These LED lights are designed at the top of the roof in between the space of the original ceiling and the false ceiling.
2. Multiple Tiers False Ceiling

Layers are a perfect medium to use. For example, if the installation of your kid’s room’s false ceiling design is a night sky, then a multiple-layered ceiling in the corner of the room may seem perfect by adding splendor to the decor. This ceiling is the best in hiding wires and other elements, making it safe for your kid. Try a suitable contrasting color to bring out the design of the ceiling installation.
3. False Ceiling with POP Design

The room’s height must be considered if you want to use this particular ceiling design for your kid’s bedroom. Therefore, if the room height is well-structured and has large roofing, you can consider this ceiling design for your kid’s room.
To make the bedroom look great, you can create a border using decorative POP instead of covering the whole ceiling with a roof. Hiding a light can also create a much more aesthetically pleasing bedroom.
4. Coffered-Child Bedroom False Ceiling Design

The coffered ceiling design makes the room look cozy since the panels are fixed into a ceiling. These types of ceilings create the illusion of height and can also create the design of multiple dimensions in kids’ bedrooms. Coffered false ceilings are created using crisscrossing beams that produce a grid-like style.
The criss-cross beams can be used to create geometric shapes or designs, such as squares and rectangles, gypsum plaster of Paris (POP), and also made of wood. Without making excuses, a coffered false ceiling is an important design for your children’s and your master bedroom.
5. Wooden Child Bedroom False Ceiling Design

If budget is not the problem of installing the ceiling design you like, then a false wooden ceiling is the best option as it provides warmth and lets kids live inside the room comfortably. Adding a cool light will give the ceiling an industrial appearance. You can choose wrongly if you make this false ceiling design your first option because it is one of the best insulating ceiling designs available in the market today.
6. Gypsum False Ceiling

The gypsum design seems to be a light ceiling for the room. It’s a simple and easy ceiling to design your home’s interior. They generally come in different boards, from simple to highly creative, and are simply hung from the ceiling. The interesting part of this gypsum design is that it can be changed easier after a few years once your kids grow up.
7. Simple White False Ceiling

To create a good false ceiling with a cost-effective budget, a simple white false ceiling is the best option. You can try and add some signature decor hanging lamps, or any other interior design. It’s very important to choose what is the best and go for a simple white false ceiling. Adding some frames and functional furniture can make the bedroom look more attractive.
8. Vaulted Child Bedroom False Ceiling Design

If you want to make things more interesting and creative without overwhelming your child, then you have to try this vault and make a good look for the room. You can make this look more attractive if you paint it in your favorite color. This ceiling is the one in which the creation of a vault permits the ceiling to look higher than a flat ceiling. The installation of a self-supporting arch is the defining characteristic of a vaulted ceiling. This ceiling is mostly used in stand-alone houses.
9. Artsy Ceiling

The artsy ceilings are made with different elements, which are wood, glass, fabric, and fiber, to improve the room’s acoustics. Installing the artsy ceiling has much to do with the interesting design, as the kid’s room’s false ceiling adds an aesthetic touch. They’re long-lasting and are well-insulated even when the weather conditions vary.
10. A Sunny False Ceiling-to-Wall Design

Kids deserve something special, which is why they love the sun and its yellow color. This type of kid’s room false ceiling design is used mostly in India and some other developed countries. The visual warmth and cool summertime happiness that this design will give your room are unmissable.
It is well-known that a suitable color attracts people and boosts mood. This design will make your kids feel optimistic too. The false ceiling design tightens the wall to create an accent wall. You can make this design look good inside your kid’s bedroom by introducing a light fixture in the middle of the design and placing some beautiful flowers in the middle.
11. Circular Child Bedroom False Ceiling Design

This is another artistic design. A circular shape from the false ceiling makes for a standard place to place your fan. The circular false ceiling design gives a minimal look. You can also find a way to get multiple circles cut out from the ceiling and add recessed light. The design will look spectacular if you can install this design in your kid’s bedroom.
All popular false ceiling designs mentioned in this article are the best and most popular child bedroom false ceiling designs people value most. You can select the type of design that you think will suit your home and create a favorite room for your child. You can get them for hiding wires and pipes.